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Peace of Mind

The first of its kind & most widely used smartphone app for victims of domestic violence.

Empower creates a “mobile” geo-zone around a victim and works in conjunction with the offenders tracking device to provide a reliable, early warning notification to the victim when they are in close proximity to the offender.

Simple & Easy to Use

This unique system only requires a victim to carry a smartphone with the app installed. The app provides location tracking and communicates with Track Group’s system; as well as enabling direct communication with the monitoring center and law enforcement.

Once the app is installed, it communicates automatically with Track Group’s system and syncs the smartphone with the offender’s tracking device; activating the “mobile zone” created by officers. This zone moves with the smartphone and an alert is generated if the offender breaches the zone parameters.


Data Communication

Victim location, alarm and phone information is transmitted via the victim’s cellular carrier or Wi-Fi

Tracking/Reporting Intervals

Approximately once per minute

Panic Button

Sends alarm to the Track Group monitoring center and
system; and initiates an outbound call to a configured phone number

Dispatch Button

Initiates outbound call to a configured phone number