NAPERVILLE, IL – Track Group, Inc. (OTCQX: TRCK), a global leader in offender tracking and monitoring services, announced today it has entered an exclusive partnership with Socrates Software LLC to deploy Socrates 360, a multipurpose app designed to better prepare justice-involved individuals for success in the community after incarceration.
The United States has the largest prison population in the world, with over 2 million Americans incarcerated. Roughly 600,000 of them return to communities each year with limited access to tools that support their reintegration. Track Group and Socrates aim to change that by providing education, life skills, and vocational training to prisoners, parolees, and probationers, both during and after their sentences.
“With Socrates 360, we are combining technology and skills training to help participants succeed after being released from custody,” said Derek Cassell, Track Group’s CEO. “I believe by providing tailored education, employment, and life skills courses, we can better assist government agencies tasked with helping people get back on their feet.”